It is so frustrating when you have dog urine that is killing your grass. The levels of nitrogen and salt that exist in the urine can be so strong that you will get spots of dead grass from the dog urine. Where soil conditions are less than ideal you can even get large areas of damage to your lawn.
Dead Grass and Dog Urine
These soil conditions can be a natural condition of the soil such has hard clay soil or highly acidic soils where growing conditions are already a challenge. They can exist where industrial activity occurred. They may be affected by waste from construction sites, chemicals from previous farming practices, residue from former mining operations, etc. Or they could exist from where fertilizer has built up in the soil from where dogs have a history of using it, where fertilizer has been applied over the years or both.
Other factors that lie beyond the soil such as medications that the dog may be using can also contribute to the dead spots. For instance soil bacteria play a big part in metabolizing nitrogen in the soil so when a dog is treated with antibiotics some of them can be passed from the dog into the soil through the urine. This can diminish or destroy the valuable soil bacteria and so dead grass will result.
PetiGreen will help improve soil conditions and help control the dead grass spots from the dog urine. Due to the vast amount of conditions that can exist in the soil and the dog all urine spots cannot be prevented. For instance dogs that are on medication such as antibiotics will almost always cause spots in your lawn. Addressing a broader range of factors may help in the more difficult areas of controlling dead lawn from pet urine. Practices that will help will be to look beyond just the lawn. The diet of the dog can play a role in dog urine spots. A healthy diet with plenty of water and good exercise can reduce the concentration of nitrogen in the urine.
Picking Up After Your Dog
Keeping dog stool cleaned up will also help. When the dog is on medication restricting the area the dog goes will help reduce the amount of repair that will have to be done at a later time when the dog is off of the medication. Reduce or eliminate the amount of fertilizer you use. The dog may be providing enough fertilizer already. Keep the lawn properly watered so the soil an inch below the surface is moist. This will help the microbes in the soil.
PetiGreen cannot prevent all urine spots, for instance those caused by certain medications, but it gives the best chance help control pet urine in your lawn. PetiGreen gives back to the environment of the soil. Instead of just adding some organic material to the soil PetiGreen helps increase actual organic activity in the soil. This activity can even help improve conditions of many stressed lawns. Over time it can help improve the overall health of your lawn and help diminish pet urine spots.
Remember that you may have to reseed damaged areas. PetiGreen cannot bring dead grass back to life. Some grass types will fill in but many need to be reseeded. It is best to use PetiGreen for a few weeks before reseeding. This helps process the salt that can otherwise inhibit germination.