ClayMend 8 oz. Covers up to 2723 Sq. Ft.
$21.95Start improving your clay soil today!
ClayMend naturally works to open clay and other hard soils. It encourages biological activity that works to open up the soil. Remember that the root hairs that take up water and nutrition are tiny and even a slight improvement in soil structure makes a big difference in the plant. As the soil becomes more open roots that were physically restricted are allowed to grow more freely to absorb nutrients that have been locked away inside the hard clay. ClayMend is a liquid that is easy to apply and is able to penetrate into the soil where it is impractical with other amendments.
The activity ClayMend promotes in the soil helps increase water penetration and improve fertilizer and water efficiency. Nutrients are more readily accessible by vegetables, flowers and lawns.
The end result… beautiful healthy plant growth!
The 8 ounce bottle will cover 2723 sq. ft. of lawn and/or garden. Give it a try today.
Learn More About ClayMend